Search Results: "gecko"

1 July 2008

Axel Beckert: Conkeror in the Debian NEW queue

I already mentioned a few times in the blog that I’m working on a Debian package of the Conkeror web browser. And now, after a lot of fine-tuning (and I still further new ideas how to improve the package ;-) Conkeror is finally in the NEW queue and hopefully will hit unstable in a few days. (Update Thursday, 03-Jul-2008, 18:13 CEST: The package has been accepted by Jörg and should be included on most architectures in tonight’s updates.) Those who could hardly await it can fetch Conkeror .debs from The conkeror package itself is a non-architecture specific package (but needs xulrunner-1.9 to be available), and its small C-written helper program spawn-process-helper is available as package conkeror-spawn-process-helper for i386, amd64, sparc, alpha, powerpc, kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64. There are no backported packages for Etch available, though, since I don’t know of anyone yet, who has successfully backported xulrunner-1.9 to Etch. Interestingly the interest in Conkeror seems to have risen in the Debian community independently of its Debian packaging. Luca Capello, who sponsored the upload of my Conkeror package, pointed me to two blog post on Planet Debian, written by people being fed up with Firefox 3 already and are looking for a more lean, but still Gecko based web browser: Decklin Foster is fed up with Firefox’ -eh- Iceweasel’s arrogance and MJ Ray is fed up with Firefox 3 and its SSL problems. Since my previously favourited Gecko based web browser Kazehakase never became really stable but instead became slow and leaking memory (and therefore not much better than Firefox 2), I can imagine that it’s no more an candidate for people seaking for a lean and fast web browser. Conkeror has some “strange” concepts of which the primary one is that it looks and feels like Emacs: Footnotes *) I just noticed that there is now also muttator, making Thunderbird look and behave like vim (and probably also mutt), too. Wonder into which e-mail client the Emacs community will convert Thunderbird. GNUS? RMAIL? VM? Wanderslust? What will it be called? Wunderbird? Thunderslust? (SCNRE ;-)

27 June 2008

MJ Ray: Firefox 3, day 10: security flaw 2, more banks, looking for a new browser

Well, I was hoping to get Yet Another Blog Reorg done before posting this, but it just hasn't happened, so here are a few more thoughts on Firefox 3 on this ol' blog. In fact, I'll probably finish the FF3 series here before I switch over. I was in central London on Tuesday and suffered both the rudeness and the black snot (which no-one else I know seems to suffer) so maybe that's why I've been underachieving this week. I've had London lethargy. I had a report about online banking that doesn't work with FF3. NPBS will move into the hall of shame, sadly. I'm almost certain I warned them months ago that their online banking was doing Javascript stunts that aren't going to work forever. I emailed them and haven't heard back since. Back to the browser: I share the contempt for the Firefox 3 and SSL problems and I like the new URL bar too. However, I am finding the FF3 seems to use more CPU (and so power) than FF1.5 and there seems to be some frustrating delays in FF-clipboard communications, so I'm looking at other browsers. Conkeror looks interesting. Still Gecko (useful for work) but stripped down. I spotted another post about microformats, which I mentioned in my last post, about the BBC dropping support for microformats [John Resig] and I also noticed just how good SVG and Minimalist Markup looks in FF3 [Sam Ruby] - I'd love to try it, but my IE-using clients probably wouldn't understand and I hate making single-browser special editions.

Mike Hommey: Firefox and the untrusted SSL warning , even more to it

There seem to be some heat about the new Firefox feature that only allows you to open https urls with untrusted certificate after 5 clicks. The situation is actually worse than what is depicted. Why? Because not only did they put crap to their users, and actually, if they want to, that’s their problem, but they also imposed their crap on embedders. Yes, this means applications such as epiphany, kazehakase, galeon, and others *must* use this crap. I know, there is a browser.xul.error_pages.enabled to disable the error page (note it also disables standard network connection error messages). But, the alternative is not any better: It opens a dialog, with raw HTML in it, allowing to… do nothing. That’s it, you can only acknowledge you’ve been denied access to the so-called untrusted site. The best part is that these applications can’t (or maybe they can, but in several months nobody found how) make the exception dialog work properly: the user will have to enter, himself, the url to add the exception for. And before even reaching the state where you can get the dialog to open from the error page, or even get the buttons to be displayed in the error page itself, you have to add clutter to your application code. For those still wondering what happened to the Gecko platform or whatever you call it (xulrunner, libxul, mozilla-embed, etc.), here is your answer: Gecko evolves with what Firefox needs. If your application needs something else, well, too bad for you. Firefox developers obviously have a big problem taking embedders into consideration when they change the Gecko API, and while it can be fixed afterwards, it’s not a good thing to “tag” a Gecko milestone at the same time as a Firefox release under such conditions. Anyways, what I did in the xulrunner-1.9 package is to forward-port the old interfaces (nsIBadCertListener) allowing embedders to have their own UI for this. While it was certainly far from perfect (and displaying as many dialogs as different errors on a certificate is definitely not something nice), it is still better than something not working at all.

18 June 2008

MJ Ray: 7 Reasons Why Firefox 3 Download Day Sucks

Download Day 2008
  1. It's every where on TV and in print, even in Esperanto, which doesn't even have an official translation - only a third-party add-on Esperanto language pack.
  2. It was late even for the US and after most of Europe finished work AFAIK.
  3. There's no official bittorrent.
  4. There's no link to the source code from the main download page as far as I can tell. It may be mostly free software, but it feels like MozCorp don't want pesky users changing things.
  5. It brings more changes for webmasters (which is another reason I code to standards whenever possible, but I bet some of the free software web applications we use will need upgrades).
  6. It might be the "most stupid world record ever" (or at least useless) and comes just as some browsers move away from the Gecko engine.
  7. ...and all this irritation came before I've even built and installed the damn thing!
Seriously: the browser looks like a big improvement from Firefox 2, but there are so many niggles with this download day idea...

17 June 2008

Josselin Mouette: No world record today

Instead of trying to set a world record in the most stupid world record ever category, finally bringing software development to the same level as sausages, you can do something useful for your computer: download the latest epiphany package in unstable. Thanks to glandium s work, it fixes two notable regressions introduced by gecko 1.9, including the removal of the incredibly unusable certificate error page, also known as I want to be as cryptic as IE. As a side note, after spending a whole sunday trying to fix #393837, without anything remotely looking like success, I m very happy that the Epiphany developers decided to abandon Gecko. Maybe we will finally have a browser that is usable without needing a herd of maniac cultists to fix a bug. Something they won t do anyway they re too busy downloading the longest sausage in the world.

23 May 2008

Axel Beckert: Favourite Linux Desktop Applications

foosel tagged me, whatever that means. Perhaps it’s the English word for “Stöckchen” (German for “small stick”) of which I always wondered how the English blogging part of the blogosphere is calling that kind of coercing blog posts… ;-) So these are the rules:
  1. blog a list with your favorite desktop Linux software (as many or few you want)
  2. add links to the software project’s websites
  3. post these rules
  4. tag three other Linux using bloggers
Interestingly splitbrain, who started the thing just calls it “Meme”, but to me memes are the same thing just without duress. ;-) So you want to know about what Linux desktop software I like and use, hmm? Desktop means GUI, doesn’t it? There are only a few GUI application I really use often since, as you probably know, X is primarily a terminal multiplexer and screen resolutions are compared by how many 80×25 xterms with fixed font you can get on one screen without overlapping. ;-) But to be honest: Although I’m more the command line guy hacking cryptic lines into windows with small fonts, there are a few thing where I don’t want to miss X and the GUI applications: For all things web – that means web browser, feed reader, etc. But then there is also a bunch of GUI software I use occasionally or as alternative tool to some text mode or command line software. WebX / Desktop Environment
  • xtrlock – the simplest tool to lock you desktop: The mouse turns into a lock and it only goes away if you enter the right password. No screen saver included though and everyone can see what’s on your desk. I like it though. Use it on low-end machines.
  • XScreenSaver and Really Slick Screensavers (GLX Port) – Configurable and command controllable screen saver daemon. Favourite modes: GLMatrix and Substrate from XScreenSaver and Lattice Sky Rocket and Hufo’s Smoke from RSS GLX.
  • xosview – my favourite system monitor since more than a decade.
  • TerminalsAudio and VideoEditing and DevelopingGraphicsChatOther ToolsGamesNon-Desktop Applications In case someone wonders about my mail client, Jabber client, IRC client, ICQ client, file manager, notes taking application, shell and versioning system – they’re all command line or text-mode applications: Who’s next? That’s difficult: Hmmm, I think I have to look in a different corner of my circle of friends. Hmm. Ah, now I know: And no, I don’t expect posts as comprehensive as mine. :-)

    6 April 2008

    Mike Hommey: WebKit on the rocks

    I’m preparing a new upload for WebKit, which will be targetted at unstable. It is much easier to deal with than Gecko, fortunately, so it won’t take several months to get something in shape. The main “difficulties” here is that I’m dropping the Qt WebKit package, since this will be provided along Qt, and the upstream build system for the Gtk port switched from qmake to autotools, which is not a really bad thing ; so, nothing impossible. Note that switching to autotools also means using libtool, which means no way to use -Wl,–as-needed anymore :-/. Yes, libtool, by trying to be smart, puts it almost at the last position in the arguments list, making it useless. ACID3 in new GtkLauncher

    1 April 2008

    Mike Hommey: Epiphany to dump Gecko support in favour of Webkit

    It smells like an april fool, it looks like an april fool, it tastes like an april fool, but it’s not an april fool. Would there have been a better day than today to announce such a great news ?

    15 March 2008

    Mike Hommey: Xulrunner 1.9beta4 *not* approaching experimental

    I appear to have underestimated the remaining work needed to get xulrunner in a pleasant enough shape for an upload. Which means the package won’t be ready this week-end. It’s always when you come closer to the goal that it gets farther… And I still haven’t decided once and for all if I would still version the libxul library. The problem is the following: there are two different ways to link or load libxul: dependent glue or standalone glue. The first one dynamically links embedding applications to both libxpcom and libxul, while the second links to a static library (well, dynamic, in Debian, because there is no reason why we should need to binNMU all reverse dependencies whenever we fix something in the glue), which dlload()s libxul. From Mozilla POV, embedding applications are supposed to use the standalone glue. Considering we will more than probably have both schemes in use within reverse dependencies, I’m not sure I still want to bother diverging from upstream by keeping SO versioning on libxpcom and libxul… That unfortunately means that we will go back to the previously sucky situation where reverse dependencies have to put a dependency on the Gecko runtime themselves. A debhelper might help, though. I will keep SO versioning on libmozjs, though, because it has some reverse dependencies, and a changing ABI. The good news, anyways, is that I was able to build and run Iceweasel on top of the xulrunner pre-package. I also ran sunspider on both this Iceweasel 3.0b4 and Iceweasel 2.0 ; the difference is really impressive: 3.0b4 is almost 4 times as fast ! For reference, the Webkit currently in unstable (which is quite old, actually), gives these results. The one in experimental unfortunately crashes. By the way, I’m planning to package a new Webkit snapshot soon after I’m done with xulrunner and Iceweasel, we’ll see then how it performs. While speaking of tests, both Iceweasel 3.0b4 and Webkit from experimental pass the Acid 2 test (contrary to Iceweasel 2.0), and have both quite good results on the Acid 3 test: 61 for Webkit from experimental, when it doesn’t crash (but current trunk has been reported to score 91 !), and 67 for Iceweasel 3.0b4 (compared to 52 for Iceweasel 2.0). Update: Interestingly, built with upstream optimization flags (-Os-freorder-blocks -fno-reorder-functions) instead of -O2, it is slighly slower, though it might be better on some older hardware, or other architectures (I’m testing on x86-64).

    25 December 2007

    Erich Schubert: Visualizing with XHTML and SVG

    My thesis is about data mining, clustering of correlated data in high dimensional vector spaces, to be a bit more precise.In detail, I'm working on methods to improve upon existing clustering algorithms such as 4C (Computing Clusters of Correlation Connected Objects) and ERiC (On Exploring Complex Relationships of Correlation Clusters), where you need to pick some parameters (e.g. k for a k nearest neighbour based approach) appropriately.My approach is twofold. On one hand, I'm improving upon the traditional covariance based correlation (which is quite sensitive to noise), so the parameters become easier to pick, on the other hand I'm working on an approach to automatically fine-tune the parameters to further improve stability.For testing my computations I needed a visualization of this data. I was considering using gnuplot (and in fact I'm using gnuplot a lot), but for some situation I needed animation capabilities, and thats where gnuplot becomes really messy.So I decided to dive into SVG and Javascript. Here's my first SVG project:Visualizing kNN correlation in SVG with Javascript(Internet Exploder is not supported. I don't have Windows, and for all I know it doesn't really support SVG. Use a Gecko-based browser such as Firefox, Opera and Safari (at least on Windows) also seem to work. I didn't get it to work on kHTML/Konqueror/Webkit. I'm just doing this for myself, so I have no need to support other browsers.)It's a 3D dataset, consisting of 300 points. 100 points are noise, 100 points are in a 2D cluster (green) and 100 points are on a 1D cluster embedded into this plane (I'm working on algorithms that support hierarchical clusters, so I needed a dataset with this property!).There are two buttons in the UI, one toggles rotation, the other one toggles the playback of "k". It will cycle k through a range of about 3-200. When offset hits 20 (so k would be 22 or 23), the main correlation vectors - the big blue lines - already point along the 1D cluster. At an offset of around 80 they have already diverged quite a bit from the 1D cluster - at this point, the correlation is seeing the 2D plane quite well already.I could also show you the behaviour for points in the 2D plane (but outside of the 1D cluster) and noise points.We're preparing a paper for SSDBM 2008.[Update: Safari works at least on Windows]

    12 November 2007

    Erich Schubert: Memory died

    Yesterday, my laptop locked up hard. So hard, it wouldn't turn on afterwards, but flash an error code. Unfortunately, Dell hides the relevant information very well - it took me some time to find in the forums that the error code means bad memory.After removing the memory module from slot B, I could turn my computer back on again. So either the module is dead or the mainboard part related to it.I bought my laptop second-hand in the US last year, and warranty probably is just over. Still I wanted to make sure that this isn't covered by warranty anymore, so I tried contacting Dell support.What a pain. No reply yet to my mail inquiry; and the "support chat" doesn't work right. Their support agent always asks for my phone number (WTF?) and then after some minutes says he's going to disconnect because I don't reply.I wonder if they ever tested their support chat with Gecko-based browsers.0 out of 5 stars for Dell support so far. Important information is inaccessible and the support doesn't reply in either email nor chat. It's not even giving bad replies.

    21 September 2007

    Mario Iseli: WesternDigital My Book network harddisk

    Hello World, a tape streamer of one of our customers died two days ago and we haven’t anymore warranty on this device, a new infrastructure will be realized soon anyway. So, we needed a cheap temporary solution. We bought a WD network harddisk for home use and “remote access over the internet”, even if we only need local access to it. It’s a 500 GB harddisk and you find several short GPL references in the crappy 5-pages-manual. Ok, this sounded already interesting. I read the manual and see that only Windows 2000 and Windows XP are supported and that you have to install a very proprietary Windows tool to start using the harddisk. Later there would also be a webinterface available, after the initialization. Ok, so I wanted to know if it’s possible to access the drive also with other operating systems. I connected the RJ45 port of the harddisk with my ethernet card with a cross-over cable and started to sniff with ngrep on the interface. After waiting a while I got this message some strange from a APIPA address to a Multicast address. Ok, assigned my local interface an address in the APIPA range and connected with my browser to it: T -> [A]
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked.
    Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 23:12:51 GMT.
    0: no-cache.
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8.
    Server: lighttpd/1.4.3.
    Very interesting… lighttpd :) The device asks for a password, I went to the website of WD to read the “full manual” (as the CDROM isn’t readable with Linux as it seems), in the support part I found something about “admin” and “123456″. With this information I could login on the device and saw that it does nothing else than Samba (3.0.14) and it’s also accessible via smbclient. Without the proprietary tool, without sending personal information to Westerndigital and getting stupid newsletters. Maybe I will remove the harddisk from the case later and install it on my workstation (it isn’t reachable except port 80 and the netbios stuff) to see what exactly is on it. At least I know that it’s an ext3 filesystem. I think vendors who use embedded Linux systems for their devices and use such proprietary clients, give not more information about it are just crap. It’s something like unfair for the free-software community. :( (even if it works unofficially with an uncommon way) [Update] A little codesnippet from the Webinterface… very useful ;) function moveArrow(ycord) // vert cord of layer

    // ignore this function
    // if(document.layers). //NN4+
    // document.layers[”MenuArrow”].moveToAbsolute(xcord,ycord);
    // else if(document.getElementById). //gecko(NN6) + IE 5+
    // var obj = document.getElementById(”MenuArrow”);
    // = ycord;
    // else if(document.all).// IE 4
    // document.all[”MenuArrow”] = ycord;

    3 September 2007

    Erich Schubert: Scalix: only usable by Outlook?

    I spend a few hours today trying to get Scalix to work right...I managed to be able to loginto the admin console at the end, yay!Still: it seems that it's pretty much unusable except by Outlook (maybe, I havn't tried that).The reason is simple: they don't let me log into the web mail. With none of my browsers. Because they havn't understood what 'Gecko' is.For tech people (apparently the Scalix people don't fall into this category), Gecko is the 'rendering engine' inside Firefox, Mozilla and a few others.With 'others' including the trademark-unencumbered Iceweasel fork of Firefox, or the Gnome webbrowsers "Epiphany" and "Galeon". Which are not "supported" by Scalix (do you happen to actually know what you are supporting? Did you develop for the Gecko rendering engine or for the Firefox UI?).Other people in the "I'm a web 2.0 company, but I don't know my stuff" hall-of-shame include the huge german email provider GMX. Their new webmail 'preview' is also only enabled if you claim to be using Firefox or Internet Exploder. They neither have understood why all Mozilla browsers include the Gecko id...

    15 August 2007

    Mike Hommey: WebKit (almost) in unstable

    I finally uploaded the first release of WebKit to unstable. It will obviously need to go through NEW first, which might take some time. There still is work to do, first of which being to correctly setup the git repositories. For the moment, there is only a git repository following upstream svn available on git.d.o. The branches are a bit messy, though ; I have to figure out why git-svn insists on randomly recreating the master branch… I supposedly removed the master branch to have the svn branch follow the git-svn remote. Anyways, once it is sorted out, I’ll set up a special branch to create our tarballs and from which we’d derive the debian branch (or not, this is not decided yet). This special branch will be a copy of the upstream branch with some stuff removed (see debian/copyright in the current packages source for a list of these). Speaking of the package source, since NEW is not available, I made the packages sources and binaries available on gluck. An important note: the version I uploaded is made from revision 24735 of upstream svn repository, which is from July 27. Unfortunately, to be able to build the first version of epiphany that includes webkit embedding (2.19.6) as is, webkit_gtk_page_can_go_forward and webkit_gtk_page_can_go_backward are needed, and these, while available in the API headers, only appeared in the source code on July 30. However, I built a hacked epiphany with calls to these functions removed (which means back and forward buttons won’t work properly), and made it available on gluck too. Be aware this version requires glib and gtk from experimental, which, I’ve been said, made all gtk/glib warnings fatal. That means all applications that usually fill your .xsession-errors log file are likely to crash with these versions. You’ll note integration is not yet perfect, biggest misfeature being the scrollbars missing, and some glitches such as the user agent (it is hardcoded in WebKit :-/), and the about window still saying it is based on Gecko ;) I’ll try to push a new version of WebKit soon enough. Stay tuned.

    30 July 2007

    Miriam Ruiz: Lets try Epiphany

    Is it just my perception, or Firefox/Iceweasel crashes too much lately? At some point in the future I might consider switching to Konqueror, but for now I’d prefer making a smaller change and stick to Gecko. After having a look at the available options, and asking some people (thanks dudes, thanks Sam, thanks Tolimar), I’ve decided to give a chance to Epiphany. Lets see how it goes! :)

    24 June 2007

    Julien Valroff: Iceweasel is not Firefox! is a one of the French music download service which offers MP3 files (without DRM). They previously prevented all the browsers except MS Internet Explorer on MS Windows platform from accessing their website. I (we) used to change the browser id thanks to the FF User Agent Switcher plugin.
    It now seems they have changed their mind under the pressure of Linux users. However, it seems there is still a problem for me (us) to access their website as they do not use the engine (Gecko in our case), but the user agent name… No, Iceweasel is not Firefox! Nor is Galeon! But why blocking access to a website which works perfectly with these browsers which share the same engine?

    25 April 2007

    Axel Beckert: Surfing on two screens?

    At work, I’ve got two screens on my Sarge workstation “snitch”. Since I want to switch virtual desktops independently on both screens, I don’t have a Xinerama setup but a Dual Screen setup. So my left and right screen do have different $DISPLAY (“:0.0” and “:0.1”) set. This is neither a problem for FVWM nor xlock nor XScreenSaver. But it is a problem for nearly every modern web browser available which checks, if there’s already an instance of it running. So if you try to start a new instance of a web browser on the other screen, most graphical web browsers make more or less problems: The only graphical web browsers which simply just work on a Dual Screen setup are Konqueror, Links2 (called with the -g option for a GUI), Chimera 2, Amaya and of course Dillo. Unfortunately I’m neither a fan of KDE nor of Konqueror and I do want a web browser with CSS and tab support… And Amaya is, well, only a reference implementation… (Chimera 2 from Sarge btw. segfaulted on two of the four pages I tested it with. Seems to have problems with PNG images.) So my current setup is to have Kazehakase as my main work web browser (with all the local web applications I need) on the right screen while I have Opera on the left screen for surfing, looking up documentation, testing web pages and other things. BTW: I don’t use Gecko based browsers for surfing on that box at the moment, since there are some web pages (the spammer vandalised Kazehakase wiki for example, at least a few months ago) which manage to be rendered in such an ugly way by Gecko so that XFree86 with the binary Nvidia (at least the last five or six versions I tried) just crashes away — either at once or when you try to switch to a text console by pressing e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F1 while such a page is displayed.

    17 April 2007

    Gustavo Franco: Why install more multimedia codecs in Debian Etch GNU/Linux?

    The blog All About Linux wrote "Install multimedia codecs, libdvdcss in Debian Etch GNU/Linux". Small and interesting article, but there's a huge mistake there: "... so as to enable you to play multimedia files which are encoded using proprietary or closed formats such as Microsoft's WMV files or Apple's quick time files. uh, no?!

    The fact is that Debian Etch Desktop (GNOME is the default, KDE and Xfce are alternatives) gives you totem, totem-xine and totem-mozilla. In other words you're able to watch .asf, .avi, .mov, .wma and more not only 'out of the box', not only using totem, but from any gecko based browser and you've two installed by default: iceweasel and epiphany. If in doubt run "aptitude update && aptitude install gnome-desktop" go to the web browser and type 'about:plugins' before installing non-free software. Say hello to Etch, not Woody.

    Closing, I recommend the movie clips from Apple's website. I don't like their ads, but the fresh movie trailers are cool.

    10 April 2007

    Mike Hommey: Browser detection

    Erich, the Gecko version number is pretty meaningless. With mozilla releases, the date reflects when the build was done. Which means if you build Firefox 1.5 today, it will get a Gecko/20070410 string. With Debian releases (except icedove), the date reflects the date for the in the source tarball, which is one of the last file upstream touches before a release. This helps having the same date for all 11 architectures (even after a binNMU) and is somehow more significant, but still not that much. There are, at the moment, 3 main branches for Gecko-based code: MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH, MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH and HEAD. The latter currently contains Gecko 1.9 alpha, Firefox 3.0 alpha, etc., and will eventually be branched to a MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH or something similar when going in beta. The other branches are respectively for Gecko 1.8.0.x (Firefox 1.5.0.x, Thunderbird 1.5.0.x, Seamonkey 1.0.y, Xulrunner 1.8.0.x) and Gecko 1.8.1.x (Firefox 2.0.0.x, Thunderbird 2.0.0.x (not yet released), Xulrunner 1.8.1.x). [ In Debian Etch, we have Iceweasel (Gecko, Iceape 1.0.8 (originally Gecko but patched at version, Icedove (Gecko ; changes from version didn’t make it, but they don’t affect the mailer code), and Xulrunner (Gecko The latter is used by kazehakase, galeon and epiphany. ] Whenever a new security release for Firefox 1.5.0.x and other products from the Gecko 1.8.0.x branch are done, the Gecko date obviously changes, and doesn’t reflect the fact that it’s an older Gecko than that of Firefox 2.0.0.x… Now if you take a closer look to the user agent string, you’ll see something that is actually more significant than the Gecko date, i.e. the Gecko revision, such as “rv:″ in “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja_JP; rv: Gecko/20070324″

    9 April 2007

    Erich Schubert: Browser detection

    Don't use the browser name for capability detection. I'd like to emphasize that. For example Google Groups won't let me upload an image to my profile, because I'm not running Firefox or Internet Exploder. Well, I tried both Epiphany (which has a very clean and fast UI, unlike Firefox which is totally cluttered) and Iceweasel (which is Firefox, but with the trademark replaced). Both are using Gecko, Gecko/20070324 for Epiphany and Gecko/20070310 for Iceweasel. So I'm very sure they have the same capabilites as Firefox 2 when it comes to web sites. If you want to test for Firefox's capabilities, use the Gecko version number.. Thank you. [Update: it was suggested I point people to, which has links on how to properly detect the Gecko engine, instead of relying on the browser name.] [Update: Mike Hommey pointed out that the 'Gecko/date' string is mostly meaningless, and largely is the build date; it doesn't contain tree information. Instead you should be using the "rv:" part of the User-Agent. This is also what the getGeckoRv function on the howto linked from does. Oh, and Firefox 2 is not gecko 2, but IIRC uses gecko 1.8.x, just like my Epiphany.]

